Friday, March 10, 2006

The Boy & His Little Princess.... Continued....

And so without noticing it, the college examinations ended as soon as it had started. With the burden of his studies behind him, the boy began to plan for his holidays before he enlisted to serve his nation. The boy wanted to have as much fun as he could have before the sufferings in the army began.

He was to find more than he had set out for...

With the bi-annual Regional games being held in the capital of the little princess's country - the Land of Pho, the boy conjured up a brilliant idea - he would include a stop-over at the little princess's country to have a little bit of fun. A little bit of pure innocent fun.

At the same time, the boy would have an opportunity to catch a glimpse of the Regional games.

The boy's holiday programme started off Down Under where he went travelling with a group of secondary school friends.

Next stop - the Land of Pho. With the company of his good buddy, ED, the boy boarded the plane.

The boy stayed over at the little princess's house. It was killing two birds with 1 stone. The boy could save some money and experience the local way of life as well.
The trip started off on a good note. The boy felt good upon seeing his little princess. It had been a long time since they met. The little princess having returned to her kingdom with the end of the examinations.

The little princess was an excellent host. She allowed the boy and ED the luxury of staying in her room while she moved into her parents' room. The little princess helped her parents with the cooking and the food was excellent. The boy's stomach was given a royal treatment.

As the days passed, the boy grew more and more attracted to his little princess... The magic in her began to glow. She seemed so much more bubbly, carefree and attractive in her homeland... The boy felt a certain sense of attachment towards his little princess. It was unexplainable...

Midway through the boy's stay in the Land of Pho, the little princess decided to make a trip to the capital to visit one of her friends who stayed there. The journey to the capital lasted a few good hours... Along the way, the boy and his little princess made use of the opportunity to have a good talk among themselves.

The 2 of them enjoyed the conversation that they had. But more was yet to come.

After a long day in the capital, the trio of the boy, his little princess and ED tiredly made their way back to the little princess's province. The trip back proved to be a heart-to-heart encounter between the boy and his little princess.

They exchanged childhood stories, thoughts and emotions that they developed in the short span of their lives and the dreams that they hoped to achieve in the long future ahead... The 2 spoke freely, oblivious to the presence of the driver and ED, who was snoring away at the front seat. There was a certain magical feeling in the air. The boy's heart pumped hard, harder than usual. What was this that the boy was experiencing? It came without warning, without any planning, without any intentions... There was no logical, rational explanation to it...

It was in the thick midst of this close encounter that cleared the longsightedness that the boy long had.
'Why hadn't I notice this wonderful little girl before? Is she the one who would fit into the pair of glass slippers? Does she have the key to unlock the door to my heart?' The boy wondered out loud in his mind.

The boy had found his little princess at long last.


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